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Scholarship Appeals

The purpose of this page is to provide clear guidelines for students preparing a scholarship appeal. If you have additional questions or concerns after reading this page, please feel free to contact the Snow College scholarship office at 435.283.7150 or email ude.wons@spihsralohcs.

Reasons for a Scholarship Appeal: Reasons are varied but may include an inability to attend school because of a serious medical condition or a personal situation such as divorce, death in the family, or military service.  Or you may feel that there was a mistake, for example you earned an “A” in a class but a “C” was reported or a professor did not turn in grades on time.  Reasons that are typically insufficient for an appeal to be granted are that you disagree with the grade a professor gave you, or you could have attended class but chose not to.

95 Credit Rule:

Any Snow College student who is not currently accepted into Snow College's four-year music program, and has more than 95 attempted credit hours must complete a scholarship appeal to be considered for any Snow College scholarship. Students appealing under this category are appealing for the right to be considered for a scholarship.

Students appealing this rule must have an academic reason for staying at Snow College. Students must obtain supporting documentation from an academic advisor and document the courses expected to complete. Appeals for this purpose will be considered throughout the semester, but we encourage students to appeal as early as possible.

Please note that remaining at Snow College and earning additional credit may have a direct impact on Financial Aid consideration and/or an ability to transfer to certain institutions. We strongly encourage you to speak with the financial aid office and an academic advisor.

Scholarship Appeal Deadline: Your appeal and all supporting documentation must be received by 5:00p.m., the third Friday of the semester following the loss of the scholarship. For example, if you lose your scholarship after fall semester, your scholarship appeal is due by the third Friday of the following spring semester. Scholarship appeals that are turned in after the deadline may be reviewed at the discretion of the scholarship appeals committee.

Where to get a Scholarship Appeal: Students may pick up a scholarship appeal from the Snow College Scholarship Office located on the 2nd floor of the Greenwood Student Center, room 200 or download the form at the link below. Students are notified via email concerning their scholarship appeal results.

Documentation to Support a Scholarship Appeal: In addition to completing the scholarship appeal form, students must attach certain documentation. The dates listed on the documentation must correspond with the dates of the semester being appealed. The nature of the scholarship appeal determines the documentation. The scholarship appeal committee will only review appeals that are complete.

Type of Documenation Needed: 

  • Scholarship Contract(s): Students must attach a copy of their scholarship contract(s) to the scholarship appeal. The scholarship contract sets the standards you must meet to keep the scholarship. This is a necessary document to include.
  • Unofficial Transcripts: Students must attach a copy of their unofficial Snow College transcripts to the scholarship appeal. These can be printed off of Badgerweb. The information on the transcript will be considered to be correct unless you explain and provide support for why it is not.
  • Detailed Explanation from Student: The scholarship appeals committee needs to know why a student is appleaing the loss of their scholarship. This documentation must be typed and signed by the student, and may include specific information that will suppor the appeal.
  • Medical Documentation: Submit dated documentation from physican. Documentation must be printed on professional letterhead and include the date, full name of the professional, address, telephone number and a signature. Dates and explanation of illness must be typed on official letterhead with the physician's signature. Medical bills do not meet the documentation guidelines.
  • Other Documenation: The nature of the scholarship appeal determines the documentation. Students may submit a copy of an obituary, a divorce decree, proof of a loss of job, a letter from a professor or staff member, and any other documentation the student believes will support his/her scholarship appeal. If the student is submitting documentation with a scholarship appeal, it must be professional, and complete. The dates listed on the documentation must correspond with the dates of the semester being appealed.


appeal Scholarship Appeal Form


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